Nov 30, 2012

Let Us Love One Another...

I remember it like yesterday.  Some moments leave these impressions on us. Leaving us uneasy, out of sorts, but better for it.
I was on my way to visit my mom. One of the first visits after the loss of my dad.
I was sitting in Dallas, waiting for my next flight, when I spotted him. My eyes were drawn to him. I stopped reading, slipping my iPad into my bag.
He sat nearby, yet angled away… having been pushed to a stop and left, alone.
I tried to make eye contact with him. 
I found myself intent on his face, refusing to lift my gaze. I was near enough to reach out and touch him. I waited.
He looked my way. I smiled. Watery, gray eyes, tired from travel, or perhaps from life smiled back. He sat in an airport wheel chair, looking uncomfortable, hands shaking, alone.
I don’t like alone, especially when an older person is involved in the alone.
I can’t remember how the conversation started. I have waited to write this, as my heart goes raw and emotions rise up that I would rather not feel.
Quickly we fell into conversation. I let him talk, share, which turned into mourning, perhaps for both of us. I mourned for him, his loss, his future, my losses…. Seeing life as a fragile mirror, which when broken can cut us to the quick with its many shards. Often, we never see it coming, the breaking, splintering, until we are covered in cuts and blood. He didn’t see it coming.
He told me how he had lost his sweet wife of 59 years. He came home one day and she was on the floor, paralyzed. Diagnosed with a brain tumor. She didn’t last but a day. Without a good bye, I love you, a kiss.
He has not recovered. 
He is reeling from grief. He fell sick, in the hospital for 18 days. Still healing, if you can heal from this. He talks about his daughters, their sweet care for him. They do not live nearby. He is blessed he says, but he is overcome with heartache. He cries repeatedly. I find this lump in my throat that I cannot swallow. I listen. I smile. I touch his arm. I am crying.
He offers me a peach to share, then a slice of coffee cake. Both from his daughter in Michigan, where he has left at 5 am this morning. It is now 10 pm…. Too many hours for this man to be alone. I question how you could send this man to fly home alone… I could not. I would not. I stop judging. I have only a glimpse into this life I am meeting.
He has spent many weeks with this daughter, recuperating, healing. I am not seeing evidence of healing, only raw pain.
I get him napkins for his peach. I offer to get some dinner for us. He declines.
I throw away tissues from his tears, his peach pit, napkins from wiped hands and noses. I wish I could throw away his pain.
I ask his wife’s name, about their life. 
He talks about life, as a husband, a dad, a salesman. A good life he has lived. He is grateful, yet undeniably worn out from his loss, and fearful of his future.
I share some of my life and loss. Will it help him to know that I have felt this pain.. though I was 28 with a newborn? I want to console and reassure him that life goes on. But, I struggle here.  We have shared a bit of the same path, but this is his pain, his journey, his grief.  He is not a young man. I must be gentle.  He will not marry again, have more children, experience joy as he knew it.
Does he have hope? I don’t see evidence. My heart feels crushed… and I am surprised by the depth of my sadness.
We call his daughter to let her know that he has been delayed. 
We call the friends picking him up at the airport. We use my phone. His is packed in his suitcase.
This seems too much for a man his age, fragile both in form and soul. I am thinking if this had been my dad… yet my dad is the one who left us a few months ago. Hardly time for goodbye, I love you, a kiss. I am mourning.
I check with the attendants at the desk, making sure they will guide him on to the plane first. They had forgotten and seem grateful for the reminder. We prepare him. I tell him I will check on him when I board.  Later, I will turn in my seat many times, smile and then watch his head slump over from exhaustion.
I gather my thoughts as he thanks me through tears. For what, I ask myself? Showing a moment of kindness? We part. I stand in line.
A handsome, well-dressed man comes up beside me and speaks quietly in my ear. He thanks me. He had been watching and listening. I try and gather myself, struggling again with raw emotion.  I look at this man with gentle eyes and I mumble some of the man's story and that I understand a bit of his pain. The man tilts his head and tells me he also knows this pain.
We all three have lost mates. Two of us as young lovers and one sweet couple as soul mates, woven together through years of joy and heartache. I can no longer speak. We nod our heads, understanding we have shared a similar grief in our journeys.
I think of this dear old man… almost daily.  My heart aches for him and  those who mourn loved ones lost. Yet, is that not every one of us?
He brought me a gift, by opening himself, shedding tears, in front of all to see. We cared for one another in the two hours we shared. I will forever remember him. My hope is that it will be a powerful reminder to love better, quicker, without thought. To love as God calls me. A small moment that left a huge impression on me. To simply care for another.
I do not understand why I was drawn to this man, this conversation, this moment. It was not my choice, that much I know. It was one of the clearest calls I have experienced from God and I followed it. Most of these opportunities I have missed. I am selfish by nature, minding my own business, keeping my head down.
Perhaps we are not called to that kind of life. It’s empty and lonely. One thing that matters in our lives are the relationships we grow. To invest in one another is the blessing that lasts.

Rest easy dear man. May you be comforted in your sorrow today and may we always love one another.

Left Over Thanksgiving...

 The last day of November has arrived.
The turkey is long gone... thankful.
 The end of Thanksgiving mentions on Facebook, twitter, instagram...
Sharing thankfulness for our favorite things.... 
The Twilight series, bacon, glitter, Glee, men having the ability to pee while standing, reality TV, politicians, Keurig coffee makers.

Okay, so I am not thankful for any of those things.. accept maybe glitter.
men will find themselves in front of mirrors, shaving off their no shave Movember beards.
Thank you Jesus.
Having grown a full out, mountain man beard this year my son looks like a white Lebron James, minus the skillz, but with the swag.
as we enter December. 
gratitude and thankfulness...
 for mercy, grace, love, life.
Sent from above.

If November was about thankfulness, December should be a full out celebration of abundant life...
shouting from the rooftops.
Savior, Prince of Peace, Son of God

Luke1:14 "And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at His birth."

Luke 2:9-12 "And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were terribly frightened. And the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. "And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths, and lying in a manger."

November was our warm up season.
Now is the time.
Shout it, share it, celebrate it this month. 
The Messiah, Yahweh, has come to give us life... an abundant life.

Celebrate all month.
Celebrate Jesus.


Nov 29, 2012

Thankful For Goals Rooted In The Word...

 Today's goal...
Lord, Bless me indeed today... and may Your Face shine upon me.
Increase my territories and may Your Hand be upon me.
Keep me from evil Lord, that I may not sin against You.
Use me for Your Glory.

"Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity
to the obedience of Christ." 
2Corinthians 10:5

What is your goal for the day, the week, the year?
Are you being transformed, renewed, refined by the Spirits molding, stretching in your life?
Bring your thought life into captivity, as Christ desires... for a moment, a day, a lifetime.
Watch Him transform you... 

Smile today, God loves you.

Grateful.. That Today Is Not Just Another Day.

                                             "Grateful that today is not like any other day.
It is the one day that is given to you... today. 
It's given to you, it's a gift. 
The only gift that is given to you right now. And the only response is gratefulness.
Open your eyes, be surprised by the color, the enjoyment of sight. Look at the sky. We so rarely look, and see the change, from moment to moment."
Louie Schwartzberg

Look at others today.
Who they are, where they come from.
Life.. experience it today, in a new way.
 Open your heart... to God's view.
Be present, be grateful and
be boldly blessed my friend.

Nov 26, 2012

Thankful For Isaiah...

  The Word reminds me.
Isaiah 30:15
"In returning and rest you shall be saved;
in quietness and confidence shall be your strength."

We could all use a little rest right now...
 at our most favorite time of the year.
I can hear Andy Williams singing,
 "It's the most wonderful time of the year, with the kids jingle belling and everyone telling you, Be of good cheer."
We've been singing it since 1963...
We should have it figured out by now.
I sing that song in my head all the time... but it's not always in my heart.
We mumble under our breath as we look ahead. 
 How will we accomplish the lists, the planning, the shopping?
The calendars that fill up, consuming our every thought and moment?
We are tired before this most wonderful season is even upon us.
Where do we find rest, quiet, confidence, strength, guidance?

Isaiah reminds me again.

Isaiah 58:11
"The Lord will guide you continually."

The question is, will I let Him?
Will you?
Let Him guide us, our choices, our decisions? Today, tomorrow, this month?

I pray rest, quiet, strength, confidence and guidance from above this month, as we celebrate this Holy Season.
The Baby, The Man, The Messiah.
Our Redeemer.

It can be the most wonderful time of the year, starting today.
 Enjoy your day and may you feel God's abundant presence in your life,
quieting your busy mind and heart.

Continually Thankful I am for God's Living Word in my life.

Nov 15, 2012

Thankful For Beauty from God's Hand...

(Alaskan summer)

I am thankful for beauty... from nature and sometimes our efforts.
It all comes from the Hand Of God...
 The Creator of all things lovely.
He forms beauty from the dust, some called man, others that come each season,
 year after year. 
We walk by, hardly noticing.

This is my favorite picture, taken in Sicily a few years ago. 
God's creation.

"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."
Proverbs 19:21

 Ah, the beauty of man's hands. 
Where does his inspiration come from? 
If not God, then where?
 How can man create this,
 without the hand of God smoothing the lines of the brush?

Winter morning in our backyard one lovely Christmas season...
God's hands letting loose the falling snow,
covering our offenses and making all things beautiful.
How I am reminded of Him and all that is lovely when the first snow gently falls.

 The beauty of Capri.
Creation shouts Your Name...
Do we see You, Your power, Your Magnificence?

"Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to end."
 Ecclesiastes 3:11

Do you take time to notice the beauty around you and from where it comes?
Do I?

Nov 14, 2012

Trust ME I Got This... Or Trust me....

 Your choice. My choice. Each day.
 Trust ME..
 or trust me... meaning him... the father of lies
 Not God.
We have a guide, a cheat sheet, a memory full of His faithfulness.
Maybe your memory is short, because you have trouble trusting, or this faith thing is new to you.
It's okay, even wonderful, because God sees us the same, no matter how familiar we are with His name.
He is there for each of us, in the same exact power, mercy and love.
The question is...
 Do we call on Him... God when fear comes knocking?

"Commit your ways to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass." 
 Psalm 37:5

God calls out to us, "Hey, I got this sister. Rest in Me. I will be your shelter."
I am paraphrasing of course, but God has whispered these words into my heart many days.
 He speaks our language and He knows our fears and concerns before we do.  
 He whispered to me as a child, 
"I will use you to tell others about Me."
He whispered to me in my stubbornness, afraid of speaking.
"Get ready, the time is coming."
He whispered to me
 when I was scared
of facing life alone,
losing my young husband.
He whispered to me when my plans were smashed on the jagged cliffs of life... and death.
"I got this sister."
He whispered to me
when I was a single mom of a baby girl.
"Be still and know that I am God."
Psalm 46:10
He whispered to me
when change called,
to trust again.
To love again.
To move again.
To build family again,
community again.
And then again... 
To start over... His direction, His move.
He whispered,
"The time is now, be ready for all that I have for you."

"Behold, My hand is upon you to bless you and to accomplish all My good purpose. For this hour I have prepared your heart, and in My kindness I will not let you fail."
A Garden Of Fountains - Come Away My Beloved, by Frances Roberts

He whispers each morning... "Trust Me"
 Who will you trust today?
Pick ME, Yahweh, The Great I AM, The God of heaven and earth?

He's got this covered sister, I promise.

 "The Lord will guide you continually, And satisfy your soul in drought, And strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail."
Isaiah 58:11

Nov 12, 2012

New Every Morning...

Lord, your ways are perfect, unspoiled and true. 
Each morning we have the opportunity to come before You and seek your face. 
Make our paths clear today. 
 Make your ways known to us.
Establish yourself deep in our hearts. 
May our desire be for You and your people... Recognizing You show no favoritism. All we meet are your children. 
Some have simply not met You yet.
Give us a heart of compassion. 
A mind of wisdom from above, and hands willing to dig deep, where moth and rust will not destroy.
May our eyes be on You, not ourselves. 
May our desire be for Your Glory, not our own.
Bring a sister and brother alongside us, to lift us when the load is too heavy. To encourage and remind us of the truth.
If we are a stumbling block to any, may it be because they see You, not us.
Lord God... Our time is short. May we lay up treasure in heaven and not be confused with the wealth the world offers.
You alone are our treasure.

Nov 11, 2012

What's Love Got To Do With It?

 My mind is full, but far from satisfied.
I am thinking of all that I have, all that the world is telling me I should want and how I shake my head in agreement some days.
I know better, but sometimes it's like a pacifier for real satisfaction.
Do you know the feeling?
I am finishing a study of James... if you can ever finish James. 
Oh, how Jesus half brother draws me in, whispering deep truths to my godless ears. 
He has reminded me of my hearts deep discontent.
I dig deeper and find the true love my heart wishes and longs for...
one that the world does not afford. 
How will I live my days.. this vapor?
For wealth of filthy paper or with my eyes on
The One who knew me before I was born?

James.. wise follower of Yahweh.
You tell me to seek wisdom from above, consider it joy when trouble comes.
 Be slow to anger, quick to listen... slower to speak.
Do not just listen to God's word, but obey it.
Do not show favoritism, as God does not.
Be merciful to all, actively engaging where there are needs. 
Recognize the tongue is wicked.
Do not judge your brother.
Do not indulge in all the worlds earthly pleasures.
Be patient with each other. 
Pray without ceasing.
Our faith must be active.... there will be works involved.
If you are wealthy.....
we best live with hands wide open or we will be judged harshly.
 I think He is serious about this. 

 James 1:4
"And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

The word emerge was spoken by a pastor when he read this verse.
It's time to emerge when we have been perfected and completed.
What you say, that will never happen... this side of heaven.
Might want to check His word.
God says we are ready, lacking nothing.
God is waiting to use us, in all our humanness to shine a light on the dark paths of this world.
Using the above verses, we have a clear way to go forward in love.

I feel overwhelmed.
Overwhelmed with the decisions I make. 
They matter as they will affect people I help or choose to ignore. 
Resources I have to show love, lift up and engage.
Or to waste...

What I live is what I really believe.
  That's what loves got to do with it.

How will I live today?
How will you?

Nov 8, 2012

Lets Be Honest... I'm Thankful For Bacon, Kevin and The Dust Bowl.

 Is there anything better than bacon
It goes with everything, apparently even dark chocolate.
 I am also thankful for Kevin Bacon as it seems we are all related. 
I think he is mentioned in the Old Testament.
Bacon certainly is.
Here are a few other things I am thankful for today.

 I'm thankful that...
according to Groupon I can become a personal trainer, online no less and half price.
Think of it...maybe I can train people online, while sitting on my couch eating chocolate and bacon.

I'm thankful for
Dragon Baby...check it out on youtube. 
And Gangnam Style
If that doesn't make you want to get up and dance you might check for a pulse.

I'm thankful for the Dust Bowl
Really, you say?!
Well, evidently that new documentary by the very talented Ken Burns (The Baseball Series is still in the original wrapping in a closet somewhere)has done it again... this time with dust balls.
The Baseball series, we watched on TV.
Then I bought it.
 Probably because the hubby couldn't stop reminding me that he wanted to be a professional baseball player. 
Hey, you're a man, under 6 ft, 240 lbs... football and basketball were not an option. 
As a little kid, your dad would drive past Shea Stadium, you in the backseat, fogging up the window, face pressed to the glass... leaving puppy drool.
 You knew every player on both New York teams, correction... on most teams. 
You still think The Boston Red Socks are awesome. Gag, choke...
 Tell me something I don't already know. 

Back to the dust...
Evidently, The Dust Bowl put Kansas on the map and showed the dedication or stubbornness of it's people.
While New York is called the Big Apple, a melting pot, Tennessee is known for volunteers and Elvis. Florida for overly tan, retired rich people, drug runners, and sunshine.
 Illinois is known for dirty politicians and high taxes. Oklahoma is known for Cowboys, Indians and Casinos.
Kansas is known for it's dust.
What a legacy.
They are a resilient, if not a bit soft in the head breed.
But, I must be thankful to them for sticking it out.
I have Whole Foods, Starbucks and amazing cinemas thanks to them.

I'm thankful for...
The Whooping Cranes arriving in Central Kansas.
I have no idea if they are bringing Whooping Cough with them, maybe that's something completely different.

I'm thankful...
that the Fluoride Bill in Wichita did not pass.
Just say NO to Flouride. 
It's a gateway drug you know.
Never mind the fact that my siblings and I took fluoride pills growing up in N.Y. and never had a cavity or any major jail time. 
There was that one incident... but it was a complete misunderstanding.

I'm thankful...
that when I take my 2008 SUV to be serviced I can look at that Porsche 911, list price of $99,579.00 and wonder if that will be my loaner for the day.
A girl can dream...

 I'm thankful for
Where would we be without it?

I'm convinced that God in all His majesty and grace, loves a good belly laugh.
He gave us the gift of cheerfulness.

One more huge thankful thought...
Happy Birthday Sweet Daughter Of Mine.
She is a delight and good medicine to my heart.

Psalm 15:15
"A cheerful heart has a continual feast."

Proverbs 17:22
"A cheerful heart is good medicine."

 I hope you find things to laugh and be cheerful about today. 
I love a good laugh. 
Care to share? 
Don't be shy.

Nov 7, 2012

Thankful For The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants, I mean Plants... Among Other Things.

I am beyond thankful for girlfriends... really I am.
 And the stuff they bring me. 
The pillow above is from a sweet friend. She gave it to me last week, along with a birthday cake that said, "Happy Birthday Dorothy" 
Yes, I live near Oz...
Yes, I get teased about this... a lot.

A friend recently visited and delivered a bag of the most delicious apples from back home. 
What a treat. 
Funny how they never tasted that sweet when I lived there.

Then there was the friend who brought me a gorgeous desert type of plant with huge, luscious green leaves.
I am still amazed at it's beauty as this friend has about the blackest thumb I've ever seen. 
She can kill plastic daisies in two and a half days. 
Not even lying.

Then there was the lipstick plant delivery.
Have you ever heard of lipstick plants? I think they are an old fashioned plant. The kind grandma would have had in her kitchen window.
A friend and her sister came to my house.. mind you I wasn't home. 
They were headed to Austin, Texas for a yee ha of a good time. 
One of the fanciest, shmanciest flee markets in the country. 
The kind you put heels on for....what?!

They wanted to take me with them, but I was away.  
Thank the Lord.
When I arrived home there was this sweet plant with leaves that look like lips. 
It was in a darling red tea kettle and it's about the darn cutest thing.
When I told my friend how much I liked it she said it was from her sister.
 Her sister from Iowa... to be exact.
Have you ever met anyone from Iowa?
They talk about their state like it was Hawaii...
Not even lying...
Last time I checked, there was no ocean, mountains, or anything remotely scenic.
Its flat, cold, hot, has strange voting patterns, and people always talk about going down the blacktop. 
No idea, just repeating what I hear.

Each day my friends sister put on a new tee shirt with a word or two.
First day was IOWA. 
Day two, I'm Kinda A Big Deal In Iowa. 
Day three, Made In Iowa (with an American flag background)
You get the idea.

Not me, no free advertising here. 
If I do, its gonna look like this.
Yup, that's how I roll.

Back to friends...
I also found a yummy frozen pizza in my freezer from that trip.
Not just any frozen pizza, but the kind from back home that charge $139.00 to ship. 
Not even lying.... 
Wish she had left me a check for $139.00 in my freezer instead of that darn pizza.

That friend also set off my alarm when she came into my empty house. Then proceeded to call me, in a frantic state while I was on the phone with the alarm company telling them to call off the Police.
I also found empty wine bottles in my kitchen. What the heck.. did they invite the neighbors for a party?
Then she forgot to reset my alarm when she left.
I am only sorry I missed them...
Not even lying... 

I just wanted to remind myself today of a few wonderful friends and the blessings they give, wanted or not.
Girlfriends... can't live with em, can't live without em.

I really love all my girlfriends, especially the crazy ones.
Not even lying.

Nov 5, 2012

Thankful To Be Called A Masterpiece...

"Yesterday is a wrinkle on your forehead.
Yesterday is a promise that you've broken.
Don't close your eyes.
Don't close your eyes. 
This is your life, and today is all you've got now... and today is all you'll ever have.
Don't close your eyes. Are you who you want to be?
Is it everything you dreamed it'd be?"
 Yesterday is dead and over.
This is your life. 
Are you who you want to be?
Is it everything you dreamed it'd be, when you were younger and had everything to lose?"
Psalm 144:4
"Man is like a breath; his days are like a fleeting shadow."
(like a wrinkle on your forehead)
Psalm 139:16
"Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in Your book and planned before a single one of them began."
 (God has plans for you. He wrote them in His book)

Ephesians 2:10 
"We are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do all things God planned for us long ago."
(He calls us His masterpiece, and has plans for us!)

We have today, but God knows all our tomorrows. 
 Long ago He wrote our love story,
numbered our days, 
blessed them with a kiss to our forehead.
Before we breathed our first breath, He knew the plans He had for us.
 He reminds us our days are short. 
An urgent reminder... lest we waste the breaths we have.

He calls us His masterpiece... 
Say that out loud.
Truth that should claim our fragile hearts.
The timing is His.
 The call to listen, seek and act is ours.

We, dear friends are a MASTERPIECE

Two questions...
Are you who you want to be? 
Have you thought about who God wants you to be?

 Don't close your eyes.
Yesterday is gone.
Today is here.
Be A Masterpiece Today...

Nov 4, 2012

November Memories

 Growing up, my memories of November blowing in harsh, a message... reminding us the time had come to dig out the wool scarves and mittens. The skies turned gray, casting aside the gentle blue of summer.
The winds would rise up, leaves falling from trembling trees, encouraged by either a cold rain or an early snow.
Yet.. I could feel the excitement come alive in me. 
The shift in temperatures, from shorts to sweaters, almost overnight. 
The dark sky by dinnertime. 
The smell of the fireplace my dad would burn most nights.

The fall brought birthdays. 
First my sweet grandfathers on the first day of that favorite month. Always, we would gather together and celebrate his.. and also mine, 2 days later. 
This ushered in Thanksgiving, Christmas... family moments etched in my mind.
These are the memories of my youth. Thankfulness, joy, surprises, love.
The house would fill many evenings with friends.
Laughter was the sound I remember most.
Yes, I know I was fortunate. 
I understand that better now.
Yes, I assumed everyone had this idealic of a childhood.
Now I know better...

November arrived this year and I was far from the state of my youth... in many ways.
 The warm sun, blue sky, leaves still falling... but there was no smell of a fireplace burning. 
My father is gone.. the first birthday without him. 
The sweet grandfather many years before.
Time moves on...

I shared time with my sweet children, grown up yet still... my sweet ones.
Now I celebrate my daughters day of birth, 5 days after mine. 
Yes, I adore that we are close in this way too.
I drove home to my kind husband in another state.
Fifteen hundred miles I logged in 4 days. 
Blessed I am....
The day was eighty degrees as I traveled the road home.
Where is home?
Not a place I can find on a map...
but a place where my heart is secure.
Where the lovelies are.
 Home changes, moves on, looks different.

We hang on to the memories. Some say don't look back. 
The past reminds me, encourages me. 
My journey includes joy and pain, both molding and growing me.

November is still my favorite month. 
My memories no doubt play a large role and yet....
 as the joys have continued, there have also been deep, bottomless moments of heartache.
 I cling to hope, in the God of my days, my months, my years.
 be kind to us this season as we remember to give thanks for all that we have.

Is there a month that brings you joy, pain, memories of how God is growing you?