Aug 28, 2013

He Thinks You Are Divine...


 "The problem with this world is it doesn't fit. 
Oh, it will do for now, but it isn't tailor made. We were made to live with God, but on earth we live by faith. We were made to live forever, but on this earth we will live, but for a moment.'
Max Lucado ~ Grace For The Moment

It's true.
This is not our home and we will only live here for a moment.
We play pretend, thinking we will live forever... what is that compared to eternity?
A vapor, a speck of time,
a season of spring, quickly turning to winter.

God tells us He has a plan for us, a divine plan.
Divine is... well, you know.
It's the best, not the good enough, the so, so, or get me through another day, Sweet Jesus.
It's divine.

And... He gives us His secret weapon.
But we must search, pray and wait for it.
His Spirit, Holy.. which He gives when we ask.

His words says,
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has known,
what God has prepared for those who love Him."
1 Corinthians 2:9

What God has prepared for those who love Him.
God is preparing for you, today and tomorrow.
Things you cannot imagine. 
Divine things.

"Do not hold back in wonder and disbelief. Accept my life in the Spirit as it is. Do not require Me to operate within the limitations of your life. I am calling you to give My Spirit within you the liberty to move out into the dimensions of the infinite."
Come Away My Beloved ~ Francis Roberts

God offers us His Spirit while we are walking around this earth.
It fills us, and we become His hands and feet.
I'd rather do life in the Spirit, than out of it.
Life is tough and I want to see it though His eyes, His mercy, His healing, His grace.

Are you letting God lead you through His Spirit? Do you believe in the wonder and mystery of it?
Will you give Him liberty to move through you, in ways you cannot imagine?

This world may not fit us, but His Spirit does... and it's divine.
Let's say yes to adventure with Him.

Aug 26, 2013

How Big And Beautiful Is Your Forgiveness?

I went to a Missions retreat recently.
It concerned short term missions, how we do them as Americans.
Where can we improve and where do we actually do more harm than good.
Important questions to consider.
It gave me insight into how we are perceived by the receivers of these mission trips.

There is no perfect answer when it comes to this... as I have seen youth who had no business being on mission trips, and also witnessed life changing moments where a teen has felt called to ministry and I now watch a dozen young people follow this path.
They witnessed truth, grace and a love for the Lord from the adults who led them on missions trips and mentored them through adolescence.

But this was not my take away from this day.

The man speaking at this conference was Steve Saint.
If that name doesn't mean anything to you, let me give you a little background. 

Steve Saint was the son of Nate Saint, a missionary pilot. Steve was born in Quito, Ecuador in 1951. His father was killed in 1956, along with 4 other missionaries in the jungle of Ecuador by the Huaorani Indians, whom they were trying to make peaceful contact with.
I visited Quito, Ecuador a few years ago with a Compassion International group, but was far from this wild, untamed part of Ecuador.

When this tragedy occurred in 1956 one would think this project had ended.
Not so.
Some of the wives and children moved to Quito, where the children were educated. Soon Steve's aunt, Rachel Saint and Elisabeth Elliot, wife of one of the murdered missionaries, went back into the jungle and lived among these people.
With time, they built relationship with them.
 When Steve was 10 he went to visit and began spending his summers with them.

In 1965 Saint was baptized in the jungle river of Curaray, by two of the men who had killed his father.
These two men had become Christians.

You still with me?
 It's amazing, incredible and doesn't make sense.
I will share one more thing.
Steve became very close with one of the men who murdered his dad.
He became family to Steve's family.
He became grandfather to Steve's children.


My family first saw Mincaye and Steve Saint at a Steven Curtis Chapman concert and heard the story of forgiveness and grace. I remember feeling overwhelmed.
I never forgot it.
How do you forgive like that?!

When I heard Steve talk recently,
he told of a time he and Mincaye were in India, who along with a team were
doing rudimentary dentistry on an Indian woman.
Mincaye was the most proficient at pulling diseased teeth and he was chosen for this procedure.
After he pulled the tooth, he took the woman's face in his hands and started praying over her.

Steve had been holding her face during the procedure and Mincaye's hands overlapped Steve's as they prayed for this women.
In that moment Steve realized, "These are the same hands that put spears into my father."
The emotion was evident even as he retold this scene.
All these years later, Steve is still amazed by the redemption Christ offers... to us all.


 The story is amazing and if you are not familiar with it, I encourage you to read the book, The End Of The Spear and the documentary, Beyond The Gates Of Splendor.

One of my favorite quotes was spoken by one of the martyred missionaries, Jim Elliot.

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose."

Read that over a few times.
Think on it.
What are you giving, keeping, hanging on to that has no value?

These men gave up their lives, and in the aftermath the jungles of Ecuador were changed forever.
They found a faith they could not lose.

Is there something you are holding on to, that you need to let go? Someone you need to forgive? Don't delay.
Live this kind of extravagant grace, love and forgiveness.
Let it be big and beautiful.
The kind God extends to us... everyday.

Aug 22, 2013

Fear Is A Liar...

fear is a liar

Repeat after me...


I learned many years ago that I could not have faith in a loving, faithful God and have fear... at the same time.
One is from our Father God. Yahweh. Our mighty Warrior and Protector.
The Lover of our souls... Light and Life everlasting.
The other is from the father of all lies. Evil. Lying. Ugly. Manipulative.
With a black heart and truly soulless.
Death with no future.

Pretty easy to decide which way to go don't you think?
Too bad it's not always that easy.

But God gives His words to remind us of His Truth.

Psalm 121 " I lift up my eyes to the hills- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip. 
He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed He, who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord watches over you.
The Lord is your shade at your right hand; and the sun will not harm you by day, and the moon by night. 
The Lord will keep you from all harm. 
He will watch over your life. The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore."

When fear comes sneaking in, remind yourself of God's word and truths. Hide His word in your heart. Seek the light and life and find peace.



are a... Ninja Warrior

Sorry... couldn't help myself.

Aug 20, 2013

I Trust My GPS More Than God...

I thought this was funny... but it reminded me
of where I seek Truth and wisdom.
I read something yesterday that took me off guard. 
"You do not indicate presumption by continually seeking My face. 
Rather, you show a tendency to trust in the strength of the flesh when you do not come to me for a gift. 
Or have you mistakenly thought that your own mind had become a source of wisdom?"
Flawed Human wisdom

Jesus said in John 4:14, "Whoever drinks of the water I will give him will never thirst. But the water I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life."
The more we draw on this water.. the more our souls gain wisdom.
 God's Wisdom... in us!

Yesterday I read, "Come to me all you who are weary and I will give you rest." 
 Matthew 11:28

Then I read Psalm 2.. which begins with "Kiss the Son"... this means to surrender and submit to Him. 
A prophecy of Christ.
Kissing the face of God. Oh my... this overwhelms me.

Then I read James 2 where Abraham took Issac, his son and followed God's instructions. He laid Issac on the alter. God saw that Abraham's faith and actions were working together and He called Abraham His friend.
His friend.
God's friend.
I want to be His friend.
Friendship with God

God told Abraham to take his son off the alter and He provided a ram, caught in the thorns.  This ram would be used on the alter.
God credited it to Abraham as righteousness, because Abraham listened and obeyed.
Abraham did not let his emotions or his flawed, human wisdom get in the way of God.
Faith In Action

At the end of Psalm 2 it says, "Blessed are all who take refuge in Him."
Matthew 11:29 says, "I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burdens light."
God says that to us. To us... you and me. 
Our Burden Bearer
Our Rest

In Mark 6 it talks about the people of Jesus hometown and their unbelief. At first they thought He was pretty awesome and then they said, hey wait a minute... I know his mom and dad. They were common folk like us, just a carpenter. Why should we follow Him and believe His stories?
Jesus was amazed at their unbelief. He could not do the miracles He desired because of their unbelief.
More Flawed Human Wisdom.

I think there is an important question we must ask ourselves... daily.
Where do we find our wisdom, our beliefs... and what is He able or not able to do in our lives?

God will do great things in and through us, when we believe in Him. If we are constantly double minded doubters then... game over. 
Power gone. 
Call it a day.

I desire friendship, faith, peace, rest, trust, submission, wisdom... with Almighty God. Will I submit to Him and find that?
God, forgive me for constantly trusting in my flawed wisdom. My own mind is a liar, but in You I find perfect Truth and Peace.

Who or what do you put your trust in today?

Aug 7, 2013

Who Is Welcome At Your Table?

A friend is moving today. I have not known her long but she sat at my table today.
We cried over losses, changes, faith, the things that make a life.
She built relationship with me when I moved in. I didn't embrace it like long lost friends... I hesitated, still grieving what was.
Over time it grew. Now she will no longer live across the street from me. I will always be thankful to know her and be her friend.

Since our move the word relationship has come up often.
It's a choice I make every day. I will either embrace the new and build on it or reject it, deciding I know all I need to know, have all the friends necessary, and stick to my preconceived ideas...

God has said no to my ideas. Instead he brings women, amazing women into my life. Women, much smarter than I. More educated, more accomplished, and sometimes more broken.

He reminds me of the table, where relationships begin. My table... He tells me to invite them there. He does the rest.

There have been conversations at tables... and I ponder them.
God is often part of these conversations... not because I push Him into them, but because so much of our discussions, concerns, fears and choices... are because of Him or the lack of Him.

People have strong opinions of who and what God, Jesus and religion are all about.
I am not a scholar of the Bible, but I do have a solid grounding of scripture...
The beauty of scripture is that God did not make it hard to understand. It was written by brilliant minds, some were even fishermen, others Doctors, prophets, tax collectors and tent makers.
God brought the unlikely together, to create the greatest masterpiece ever written.

When it comes to discussions of faith, there seem to be three types of people I meet.
The ones who claim Christianity. They read their Bibles. They are at the church when the doors are
They tell you how they feel about immigration, gay marriage and mixed marriage and why you should feel the same way.
They point to scripture to condemn, shame and fix your sins..... brother.
They hold their heads high, while looking down on others.

Or... they like their "religion" kept in a box, only brought out on Sunday.
It's something they do, not who they are.
Some live in perfect homes, with perfect kids and perfect jobs, while wearing perfectly coordinated outfits to church.
There is no way you could ever be their friend because they are too perfect and you would screw it up, with your messy wardrobe and messier lives.
It is more important for them to tell you what they oppose rather than what they support.
They are legalistic, extreme, and without grace.
They are not going to invite you to their table, because you would not fit in.

Jesus was none of these things.
And why would anyone want that life?
And... do you realize how you hurt the next set of people I meet?!

The second type of people are the ones who tell you it doesn't matter what you believe because every religion thinks it is correct and none of them are right.
They point to the churches and people who have hurt them and ask why would they would want that? (see above)
They have felt judged, not good enough and shamed. They have never seen grace in action.
Most do not know what the Bible says because they have not read it, but from what they have heard, it sounds crazy, ridiculous... plus there was a lot of killing, evil and bad things happening.
All true.
People were involved.
They have heard that Jesus is the only way and that sounds ridiculous and prideful.
I mean, come on!
What about all those good people, the ones who never heard about Him, the good Buddhist or Jew or atheist?
Big questions... thank goodness for a Bigger God.
They do not believe they need fixing and religion seems like a crutch.
Deep down, there is fear.. there is always fear, when there is no Savior.
That is how God made us... with a desire for Him. Some of us just don't know it yet, and are searching for everything but Him.
These people may invite you to their table... but please, go humbly. Go and simply commune and be thankful they invited you.

Then there are the people... who love without regard to color of skin, ethnicity, degrees accumulated, money made, houses built, vacations taken, cars driven,  sharing the same beliefs.
It doesn't matter if your daddy is a jailbird, your mama a drug addict, and your boyfriend drives a garbage truck... or if you are the millionaire next door. Your value is the same.
Oh, the comfort in those people... they draw me in.

They realize our differences will fade, as our relationships grow. Our common need of friendship and encouragement should trump our differences.
They recognize that Jesus walked this earth, not wielding a heavy stick, but with a healing hand and gentle words. He spoke truth, but always in grace and compassion.

If Jesus stayed at my house he would not sit in front of Fox news... or CNN  and curse at the atrocities.
He would tell the Truth and ask questions that got to the heart of the matter, every time.
He would sit at my table and ask me who I thought He was.
He would ask me to become a fisher of men.
He would look into my eyes and ask me if I was willing to give up my dreams, my desires... for something better.

He would take me by the hand and we would walk the streets downtown.
We would visit the shelters, the resource centers, the hospice house, the hospitals, the soup kitchens, the jail, the bars, the house with the mama sitting out front and children playing. We would take the tax collector to lunch, introduce ourselves to the lawyers and church people.
He would build relationships.
He would invite us ALL to His table.
We would fellowship.

He would tell you He doesn't care what you have done... good or bad, how much you know, where you went to school, how many awards you have or who your friends are.
He doesn't care.
But He does care about you...
He cares that you know Him... and why He came.
He came to save the lost, the broken, the downtrodden.
News flash... that's all of us. YOU. ME.

So, to the first group of people and the second group. I apologize for the ugly Christian... which I have been.
We are not God's representatives when we behave this way.
Pray for each other, that God will be shown in His glory. That love will trump pride and hate... every time.

But hear me.. we are all hypocrites. We are all broken and we all hurt each other. The difference is, when we truly become Christ followers, we apologize, we love graciously. We invite each other to our tables.

My thought and question is this? Where do you find yourself today?
Are you in one of these groups?
Do you believe He is who He said He was... The Christ, The Son of GOD...

Embrace Him or reject Him, but shouldn't you know who He says He is?

Don't be misled or reject because of past hurts.
Find out for yourself.
He will show you Truth.... and yes, there is One Truth when it comes to God.

I pray you will search Him out, and you will embrace Him when you find the Truth that sets your soul free... and you will sit at His table and Know Him as never before.

He said also to the man who had invited him, “When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return and you be repaid. But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.” 
Luke 14; 12-14

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Hebrews 13:2

Aug 1, 2013

The Struggle Of Becoming Contagious

I've been reading a book called Becoming A Contagious Christian. My husband is reading it too. We are watching the DVD, reading the sermon notes, checking out the leaders guide.... the whole shebang.
We have been asked to lead a retreat by this name. Gasp, choke, chuckle.... I get it.
Mostly, I feel fear. Hopefully the hubby is feeling awesome.

When we are done reading this material we will be no closer to "Becoming A Contagious Christian" than before we touched the first page.
Maybe that's where the fear comes from.

I imagine when people hear the term contagious christian they might want to run the other way, hide, run for the hills. It sounds weird. We are taught to stay away from people who are contagious, right?

Well, I've been thinking about these things and wonder if people look at me like I'm a little weird... because of this Jesus guy I follow.
Last week I invited someone to church, through a phone message. What a bogus invite, right? I wanted it to be friendly... can't you hear my tone through that message?!
I wanted them to know I wasn't being pushy. No idea how I expected them to know this.

The response was something like this.... I respect your faith and opinions. We are Christians and don't need to go to church and don't need to go to yours. I hope you respect our opinion too.

I responded that first and foremost I respected their opinions.
I think we get stuck in the mud real fast when we don't respect others opinion and back off.
I am glad this person was honest with me. That's where the relationship starts and who knows where we will end up.
The reality of becoming a contagious christian and sharing your faith with anyone, family included... is building relationships. Like that saying, "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."

I ask myself questions...
How can I lead people to Christ when I can't even get a believer to attend church with me?
Am I smart enough? Am I good enough? Am I tough enough? (include Mick Jagger's voice here)
Do I have all the answers? The list is long.
But... I know the truth.
The answers to those questions are NO... I am not enough, but Christ is.

The I read this writing by
Sam Shoemaker, an Episcopal Priest.

I stand by the door.
I neither go to far in, nor stay to far out.
The door is the most important door in the world -
It is the door through which men walk when they find God.
There is no use my going way inside and staying there,
When so many are still outside and they, as much as I,
Crave to know where the door is.
And all that so many ever find
Is only the wall where the door ought to be.
They creep along the wall like blind men,
With outstretched, groping hands,
Feeling for a door, knowing there must be a door,
Yet they never find it.
So I stand by the door.

The most tremendous thing in the world

Is for men to find that door - the door to God.
The most important thing that any man can do
Is to take hold of one of those blind, groping hands
And put it on the latch - the latch that only clicks
And opens to the man's own touch.

Men die outside the door, as starving beggars die

On cold nights in cruel cities in the dead of winter.
Die for want of what is within their grasp.
They live on the other side of it - live because they have not found it.

Nothing else matters compared to helping them find it,

And open it, and walk in, and find Him.
So I stand by the door.

So there is my answer. I am to stand at the door.
I am a vessel, an opportunity, a servant of the Most High God.
I am at His service and oh, how richly blessed I am... to be His witness.

If God can use me, out of all His devoted servants, than there is hope for all of us my friends.
There is something He has been asking you to do.
Go, stand by that door and wait.
Be His witness.
Be contagious.